
Monday, October 9, 2023

Orlando R.O.C.K. Monthly Launch, October 7, 2023

I haven't  launched a rocket all Summer - too hot for me!
This was going to be a quick stop, had other Saturday things and a Sea World reunion in the evening.

My DELTA WEDGE clone was first up with a B6-4.
Slow spin on boost. At ejection the shock cord broke, the nose cone came down on the 12" chute. The body fell flat and slow enough for no damage. 

The FRANKEN GOBLIN had its 18th flight with an Estes C6-5 to probably 750 feet. This model was made up of pieces and parts salvaged from retired models.

Ejection popped out a rip-stop nylon streamer. 
Goblins are famous for fin breaks but the grass was thick, no damage on recovery.

I did laugh at this one - 
I asked why Henry's Estes Ghost Chaser had a Chapstick in the payload.

Henry's answer: "It's Alan Chaperd". 
Very clever.

Last up for me was the ANGLED INVADER from  New Way.
A B6-4 got it up to 300 feet. 
The chute was snagged on a fin spike at ejection. I heard a thud when it landed, I knew there would be some damage.

It was a clean break at the wing tube joint and a spike was broken. 
Easy fixes, ready again.

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