
Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Orlando R.O.C.K. Launch, December 2, 2023

After a few cold days, weather was warm but bearable. Winds were low, maybe 5 mph.

First up for me was the BT-55 based clone of the old ARAPAHO kit. Mine takes 18mm motors, today a B6-4.

Do you think the shock cord is long enough?

Roger and Bracha Smith's dog Buddy enjoyed chewing up the styrofoam ball in a bagged Sputnik kit. He actually chewed it at the JonRocket store. Roger brought it by to show me.

The cardstock SPACE RAIDER flew under C6-5 power. Wonderful and stable to 350 feet.

The small chute ejected but didn't open. No damage on recovery.

The Quest FLV is a favorite. This one had reinforced fins and nozzles.
With a C6-5 is could have reached 450 feet.

Alex Baker launched a beautifully built FlisKits ACME Spitfire complete with a strapped on Wile E. Coyote.
The D12 -3 motor gave a stable boost but the body hit hard on the gravel road.

My big launch of the day was the MEGA MOSQUITO with a D12-3 motor manufactured in 1979.
I was expecting a big boom but the engine gave a good boost.

At ejection the elastic shock cord broke, the nose cone and chute drifted away. The tube end sufferer a good dent when it hit the grass field. 

Here's how the body landed, slightly buried in the ground.

Rich Cody flew his Odd'l Rockets F18 with a C6-5.
Big altitude, he did recover it.

Cory Skinner brought his Behemoth, constructed of 120 Styrofoam cups and plenty of glue sticks!
I had to leave before the launch. With the F15-4 engine it was underpowered turning over after it cleared the launch rail.
Cory said he'll try again with a larger motor.

I did leave early, my Sister is visiting from Oklahoma.

To finish out the day, a ASP SANDIA SANDHAWK was launched with a MicroMaxx motor.
Great, fast boost to 100' with streamer recovery.

Five up, most all recovered. The Mega Mosquito nose cone and chute were lost.

1 comment:

  1. Jan 13 2024, Umatilla High Flyers Inaugural Launch, 9:30 am
    North Lake Community Park
    Roger Giles Road, Umatilla FLA
