
Friday, March 8, 2024

New Way Nike Ajax Build, Part 20, More Decals

The brown squares are pre-cut in vinyl.

These are in line with the upper tunnels, one square is in line with one of the supports.

That tape line is a guide for the top of the square.

I used the tip of my knife blade to lift and position the square.

Here's the brown squares in place.
The brown is almost lost in the olive drab color, but they are there!
You shouldn't set decals down over a flat finish, the clear areas of the decal can "silver" not adhering well.

You should apply a gloss clear coat, then apply the decals. Let dry for a day then reapply a clear dull coat.

I had to re-mask the upper body. Smaller pieces of white copy paper were taped over the black interstage band. I didn't want the tape to touch and lift the black band decal. 
Flat clear acrylic was sprayed to dull the olive drab paint.

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