
Wednesday, May 8, 2024

New Estes Mini Alpha Instructions - Shock Cord Mount

The new Estes Mini Alpha kit instructions have been posted online: CLICK HERE

Most instructions tend to say tie a "double knot".
This implies tying two overhand knots which gives you a "granny" knot. They are prone to slip and open up. Unless you were a Boy Scout, a first time builder probably doesn't know the difference between the two knots. 

At the arrow point in the illustration, look how short the free end of the shock cord line is! If you've tied a "granny" or "false knot" that short end could easily pull through. Tie so the free end is longer, maybe 3/8" to 1/2".

You can use fancier knots, but a "square knot" is easy and shouldn't come undone when tightened.
In the third picture below, note how both ends come out side by side. Both lines come out under the turned line on one side and over on the other side.

Instruction once said to use a drop of glue to "set" knots.
If you tie and tighten a knot correctly it shouldn't need the glue.

TIP: NEVER, no, no NEVER apply super glues (CA glue) to a knot!
CA dries hard and makes the shroud line or shock cord brittle. 
If you want, you could apply a small bit of white or wood glue to a knot. Again, if you tied a good knot correctly, it won't need the glue.

I tie parachute shroud lines using square knots. In the past, some shroud lines found in Quest kits would come undone by themselves! Those Quest lines did require a small drop of white glue to help hold them closed.

1 comment:

  1. I was going to say - Estes is getting their mileage out of the Star Hopper tail assembly with the new minis - then I verified that the miniBertha's assy supports 4 fins where the others' support 3. Perhaps this will put a MiniGoblin and Mini(er)Red Max on the forefront for next year...?
