
Monday, June 17, 2024

Semroc Wac Corporal Build, Part 14, Watching Paint Dry

I see too many posts on the rocketry forums and Facebook about paint problems.
"Did this ever happen to you?" followed by a picture of a rocket with wrinkled paint.

Back to the current Wac Corporal build - 
Before another spray coat, I'm waiting a full 48 hours for the first white undercoat to dry. The rough areas have been sanded. 

READ and follow THE DIRECTIONS on the can!
Most cans say: Re-spray within one hour or after 48 hours.

Paint dries faster on balsa fins and Kraft paper tubes. 
Balsa and paper tubes "breathe!" and can dry through both inside and outside surfaces.
Plastic nose cones require much more time to dry.
Plastic is "sealed" and dries slower from the outside surface in. 

To prevent blushing of the finish, spray when humidity is the lowest.
Check this address:
Type in your city and check the afternoon hours for the lowest humidity.

I'm not saying these tips will prevent all paint problems.
But, it may help with some concerns.

Rustoleum 2X paint is problematic, especially the Gloss White. Random cans can spray pigment (a rough, cottage cheese) that has settled on the bottom of the can. Shaking helps but may not break up all the settled pigment.


  1. Thanks for the tip on the humidity. I also had problem's with Rustoleum 2X paint.

    1. Hi Bill,
      Since I've been checking the humidity levels, I see less bluing (sometimes no bluing) in the finishes. It seems the humidity is always at the low point at around 2:30 here in central Florida.

  2. I’ve been using Touch ‘n Tone spray paint from Rustoleum (ROC). The spray seems finer and the amount of paint is easier to control. The other Rustoleum rattle cans spray too much at once and the spray tips clog all the time. Ken.

    1. Hi Anonymous,
      I agree, Rusto 2X sprays out too much pigment at one time. The nozzles do get clogged before the can is half used. I haven't seen the Touch 'n Tone Rusto paint yet. I'll keep an eye out for them.

  3. I have seen videos lately of non model builders favoring the new 5 in 1 Rustoleum Rust Stop spray cans. I may have to give it a try and let you know.

    1. Hi Scigs,
      I'd recommend testing the sprays of the individual nozzles before laying any paint down on the model. I've only bought one can with the adjustable nozzle and there is a big difference between adjacent sprays. I thought I did a post on it but can't find it.
