
Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Semroc Wac Corporal Build, Part 2, Parts

Apparently I started this build and got sidetracked. One of the centering rings is glued onto the motor mount tube. 
Outside the glue tab of the tail cone cardstock has been trimmed off.
The tunnel shaping has been started.
A name decal is included but there were no name markings on the real rocket, except for round numbers.

The parachute is one of the newer Semroc multi-sized chutes. You can cut a 12", 18" of 24" chute from the sheet. 

The fins are 3/16" thick! To form them you are supplied a cardstock centerline template. More on this later.

I'm not a big fan of the cut launch lugs. The laser cut lugs are always burnt brown and the ends uneven.

I like conical nose cones - 
But for some reason, conical nose cones always get banged up and dented after a few launches.


  1. 3/16" -- that's pretty thick stock (especially for fins of this size). Also noticed that the tunnel piece appears to be from this as well, which sort of highlights it being rather thick.
    Without any contouring/tapering of the fins, they'd look rather "chonky".

    1. Hi Naoto,
      3/16" seems thick for a model this size. The tunnel is cut from the same thickness of balsa. The laminated fins on the Estes Black Brant XII were thicker and looked great on the finished build.
