
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sky Hook Build Finished! Part 10

Here's how it looked when sent to the Estes Craftsmanship Contest back in 1972.

If I were to enter in a contest now, the lettering would be at least 30 point for this size of model.
Instead of circle masks on the nose cone, I'd do something a little more rakish to match the sharp lines on the fins.
Still a fun build, this one really took me back.

I failed to mention earlier, the natural wood finish idea came from the father of a guy I flew rockets with in the 1970s named Pete Salhberg. His father Ray was probably the best model airplane builder I'd ever seen. Some of his models featured natural wood surrounded by colored tissue.


  1. Nice! Very nice!

    I think I may have a Semroc SLS Sky Hook kit - it will be finished similarly.

  2. Thanks Bill,
    Good luck on your big Sky Hook.
    That SLS Sky Hook was one I never picked up! Semroc will sure be missed.
