
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The End of SEMROC?

I'm sure by now most have read this thread:

It's a sad day for rocketry.
After all the good will shown at the recent NARAM, Estes/Cox drops this bomb.

How is Semroc a threat to Estes?
Of all the reproduction vendors, Semroc has shown respect and tribute to Estes, Centuri, FSI and even Rock-a-Chute designs.
How can Estes claim they own the Copyright to the Saturn 1B or Arcas designs?

Just for curiosity, I went to Jim Z's plan site and looked up a dozen OOP Estes designs that Semroc has brought back. Nowhere on the plans, decals or face cards is a Copyright "C".

Estes does not sell a fraction of the tubing sizes or nose cone designs available from Semroc. Semroc is providing a service that Estes hasn't claimed for a long time.
How can Estes claim a nose cone design when their own balsa nose cone profiles have changed a dozen times over the years?

Where does it end?
Will they contact me to quit producing the Odd'l Rockets Birdie?
I've sold a few over the past 10 months.
I'll stop making my version if they start producing their Birdie again.
I'd only make Estes mad if I were taking money out of their pockets.

Will Estes contact other companies that make models that are similar to theirs?
There are "sound alike" named kits with designs very close to Estes equivalents.
I've even seen reproduction kits with scanned Estes instructions and Estes logos on the decal sheets. I would think those vendors should be concerned.

Everyone involved, consumer and vendors alike were excited about the "new" Estes -
Until tonight.

Sorry to go on like this - I had to vent.

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