
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Freedom 7 Build Part 13 Tower

The best advice I can give you when making a tower is to take it slow. Double check before you make the wire cuts and be sure all is straight before moving to the next brace.

If you haven't already done so, the small balsa triangle is removed from the inside of the three legs.
Pencil marks are drawn on the legs for the cross brace locations.

I cut the wire so the ends would sit at the center of the legs. Fingernail clippers actually work very well to cut the wire. Be sure to cut accurately, you won't have much wire left when you are through.

Here I've dipped a toothpick tip into a drop of white glue and applied a bit to the pencil locations.

Tweezers were used to place the wire into the small glue drops. When setting in the second and third wires, be sure they are straight and in line with the previous glued wire.

After using white glue on the support joints, follow up with CA applied with a toothpick tip.
White glue is applied again to all the joints.

All three sides have the horizontal braces in place and are ready for the diagonal cross brace wires.

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