
Thursday, February 1, 2018

Estes Scissor Wing Transport Build, Part 17, C/G Balance

The kit supplied clay pat weighed .25 oz.

I ended up using .17 oz. to get the model to balance 8 1/4" from the elevator hinge as shown in the instructions.

To balance the model I made a "V" with my thumb and forefinger at the 8 1/4" point. I couldn't balance the model on a straightedge.
I would think the clay weight would go in the hollow nose cone but my weight went inside the rear tube.
The rubber band has been fitted over the two posts on the pivot.

With the wing tip sticker in place, the wing tip fit is too tight between the posts on the wing holder. I'll have to lightly sand top to open up the inside span of the plastic post extensions.

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