
Friday, February 2, 2018

Estes Scissor Wing Transport Finished

Well, the reissue didn't have water slide decals but it does capture the feel of the original kit. I'll have to launch it a few times to see if it glides like my first one from the 1970s.

The first and third pictures show it in glide mode, without the pop pod in place with the wing rotated. (Boy, that pop pod is fun to slide in with the parachute sliding all over the place.)

The face card weight said 3.1 oz, I assume that is with the pop pod in place.
My finished weight was 3.20 with the pop pod in place.
Without the pop pod (glide weight) was 2.5 oz.

Looking back at the 1974 Estes catalog,
The weight was 2.34 oz. with the pop pod in place.
Without the pop pod (glide weight) was 1.73 oz.

It's difficult to compare the weights of two different kit versions, I wouldn't think this one was much different in weight with the updated plastic hub pieces. Estes has never been clear whether kit weights are naked (no paint), an average weight of prototypes, or from some vendors a shipping weight.


  1. What was the total weight for the Scissor Wing?
    How many coats of spray filler and paint did you end up using?

    1. Hi gmaga1,
      I'll update the last post with my finished weights.
      I didn't do my usual finish on this one, trying to keep it lighter. I did use CWF but didn't use the filler/primer and went right for two gloss white coats of 2X Rusto, sanding after the first coat. The model did not get a final heavier wet coat.

  2. Nice job, Chris. Was thinking about cloning this from the original plans, but the complexity put me off. Is this going on EBay, or will this be part of your personal fleet? Can't imagine you built two of these. Or did you?

    1. Hi BAR,
      I only built one, I picked up the kit on Ebay. It will be part of my fleet. If I had built two, I probably wouldn't have sold it on Ebay. I doubt the buyer would be happy with the stickers.

  3. Nice!

    It was here where I read that semroc/erockets was considering a replica kit for the scissor wing...

    Do not know of current status.


    1. Hi Anonymous,
      I just went to the rocketnoob blog site and read the NARCON article. I do read Daniels blog but don't remember that Semroc was developing the kit. The other models pictured have been produced, maybe the Scissor Wing is coming?
