
Friday, March 29, 2019

Apogee SR-72 Darkbird Build Part 1, Parts

I bought this rocket a few years back, directly from Apogee.
The SR-72 Darkbird is 14" long, the main airframe is a BT-20.

This pop-pod boost glider operates like the Estes Sky Dart and the original Citation Bomarc. The long engine pod is ejected and returns via streamer. When the pod ejects, the elevons lift and the main body goes into a glide. The elevons are held down during boost. The elevon "up tension" is activated by small orthodontic rubber bands.

I asked Tim VanMilligan why it was called the SR-72. He said it was the next generation of the SR-71, a fantasy stealth bomber.

There are four 5/20 centering rings. The two identical die-cut balsa sheets are 1/16" thick.

To the right, the parts of interest:
I only found one orthodontic rubber band in the bag, I have others.
EDIT: In a comment, Eero Fluge pointed out, the second rubber band was around the streamer! I looked right past it and probably threw it away.
Two BT-5 sized vacu-form ram-jet nose cones.
The red Mylar pop-pod streamer.
At the bottom is the almost transparent elevon hinge material
In the center, the cast elevon hold down ring.


  1. I may be seeing it wrong, but it looks like the second orthodontic rubber band is on the rolled up streamer, next to the standard rubber band holding it closed.

    I have found the Apogee kits to have very nice instructions, and some have instructional videos online.

    1. Hi Eero,
      I enlarged that picture and you are right! I lost the second rubber band somehow!
