
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Coming up - Estes #1969 Saturn V Build

Here's we go again!
I just got some emails from Estes, they want me to build a new #1969 Saturn V!
The model is already in distribution so I can do the build here on the blog.

I've sent out plenty of the older #2157 Saturn V build book to blog followers. Most of that build still applies, but the new version has some updates. It's time for a new, detailed build.

I've already finished two models for Estes, they will be featured here after they go into general distribution. After that, Estes wants three other models built - Whew!


  1. Wow, great timing! Not sure I’ll do a build along but I have to get started on mine very soon. I’d like to fly it in July at one of the anniversary launches along with my Dr. Zooch Saturn so big thanks in advance Chris for doing this build.

  2. I started my 30th anniversary Saturn V kit back in December. I built the motor mount, and never did any more. (House remodeling in anticipation of moving has consumed my time.)
    In a way it was good I waited, since now I can use the new plastic SLA (LEM shroud) that I ordered. And I bought the injection molded fin sets last year. Hope I can keep up with your progress, Chris. I’m assuming you will have yours done before the 50th anniversary, since I’ve got to get one done by then. SCORE club in Pueblo is having an anniversary launch on July 20.

    1. Hi Lee,
      I'm waiting on the new #1969 kit. I have a #2159 kit in the box. Estes would like to have the Saturn V built by late June.

  3. There was a build BOOK?? Now ya tell me!

    I've got wraps and fins and fairings on the 1969 Saturn. Been going alright, but I can't wait to see your build. I've made a few missteps but it still looks presentable so far!

    1. Hey Daniel,
      Drop me an email at and request the Saturn V Build Book. I'll send it out by dropbox.

  4. I'm looking forward to seeing how you tackle the new version. You do great work, Chris. Thanks.

    1. Hi Mike,
      I'e already started the #2157 kit I have. The BT-101SV, BT-80SV lower tubes, engine mount, lower shroud and parachutes are the same. I've already got the tube seams filled, engine mount mounted and parachutes made up. There's a time frame to consider and I want to get a jump on the build.

  5. I have a question. On page 6 of the directions it says glue the 3rd stage body tube into the coupler assembly. Does the body tube come flush to the centering ring with the string or the the one without (penetrates the coupler or no)? The diagram isn't super clear and I can't tell from the blog build directions either. Thanks and Ad Astra!

    1. Hi Q,
      The third stage tube should go through both rings, flush with the bottom centering ring with the string. I actually glued the tube with the slightest amount sticking through the lower ring so I could apply a fillet.

  6. Thanks Chris, you are a treasure!
