
Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Estes Saturn V #1969 Build, Part 7, Reinforcing Ring Fit?

GOTCHA: On YORF, the great builder Jeffy Jeep noticed a measurement question in the instructions. The copy says the reinforcement ring should be 3/4" from the rear of the tube. The drawing says 11/16" or 19mm. Some responses agreed to go with the 19mm.

GOTCHA: I've build half a dozen Estes Saturn V models and in each case the reinforcement ring has been too tight. I always suggest doing dry fits before using any glue. I wonder how many builders put in glue only to find the ring wouldn't slide in the tube.

I cut through the ring in a straight line with scissors.

The ends were sanded and shortened a very sight amount using my block.
Sand and check the fit, sand more if needed. It won't take much of an adjustment.

TIP: Before applying glue, set the ring in place and trace around the edges with pencil. This way you can apply glue to the actual final ring position.

The picture on the right shows the inside butt-joint of the cut ring.

Assembly time so far:
 3:10 minutes previous
 0:20 hour this post
 3:30 total


  1. Yeah, I just installed the reinforcement ring this afternoon. What A Pain trying to get it in without cutting. I'm sticking with your blog from now on. Great work, you did.

    1. Hi Smackiepipe,
      Thanks, I hope the rest of the blog build helps out.
      I don't know why Estes didn't have a slightly smaller reinforcement ring that would fit this time around. The ring has been too large on all the Saturn Vs I've built over the years.

  2. also the 11/16 line in the pic should be a solid object line not dashed/hidden.....

  3. why not use the same ring that is on the upper section where the chutes are? fits the body tube just fine and one less part to track. Does anyone besides you Chris...take a kit and build it before release and nail down these stupid problems?.....Its crazy that dumb errors like this are bagged and sold to everyone when a simple build would reveal the problems....someone needs to sit down,follow the print, and build a kit before release ....and snuff out these issues.

    1. Hi Metal,
      Every kit has had some adjustments after the first batch is made. My Odd'l Rockets kits are constantly revised and improved. When you are designing kits and producing instructions, little things can slip by.
      Some of the builds I do for Estes are pre-production, before hobby store and vendor distribution. I do send Estes my thoughts and "gotchas" I find in the builds.
