
Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Estes Saturn V #1969 Build, Part 8, Primer/Filler and Shroud Scan

The third stage assembly was slid into the upper end of the BT-101 tube for spraying with Duplicolor Filler/Primer. Sliding the centering ring assembly down inside the BT-101 will protect the shroud gluing edges from getting covered with paint.

The picture to the right shows masking tape inside the tube edge to keep out any over spray.

The Service Module tube was taped to a dowel for filler/primer spraying.

On YORF, Jeffy Jeep measured the length of the new, shorter Service Module tube with a caliper. The length is 1.836" long.

Here's the tubes after sanding with 220 grit and then 400 grit. I sand almost to surface leaving the filler/primer in the seams and shallow dips in the tubes.
TIP: When you are only supplied with a single card stock shroud, always scan the shroud so you can print a few extras on 110 lb. card stock. On the original make some 1" long reference marks. After printing, check the marks to see if it was printed full size.

GOTCHA: The fit of this kit supplied shroud is small! The narrow end wouldn't slide over the BT-80 and the wide end doesn't overlap the edge of the coupler.
I checked with my old shroud from the earlier #2157 kit and it was a little larger!
If you Iare a Patreon supporter and would like a PDF of the older, slightly larger #2157 shroud, email me at: and request the: #2157 3rd Stage Shroud PDF

On this kit the shroud will be covered with a vacu-form wrap so any small forming mistake might not be noticed. Still, I don't take a chance.

On the NAR Facebook page Matthew Henderson wrote:
Having a problem with the Estes Saturn V.
Cut out 3rd stage foundation wrap, but it is about 1/4" too short on the top side of the wrap and doesn't fit around the tube. Any suggestions?

Others responded they had problems with the foundation wrap being small.

Assembly time so far:
 3:30 minutes previous
 0:50 hour this post
 4:10 total

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