
Friday, May 3, 2019

Semroc Sam 3 Build, Decals and Finished

This Centuri designed "Strike Force" missile is sport scale at best. When you compare the model to the actual missile pictures there are major compromises.

I learned a few things - On a smaller model with too many close fins - don't bother masking! You'll spend too much time cleaning it all up.
I drew up decals to make it more interesting but got some of the Russian spelling wrong. The decals ended up being about 10% too large, but they still look better than the Dr. Seuss art.


  1. I do agree that your paint scheme looks much better than the stock scheme from Semroc. Perhaps the Dr Seuss markings might've worked if it was a Goony?

    On the aside... One feature that isn't readily apparent in the photos of the missile -- the fins on the booster stage pivot at launch.
    (near bottom of page you'll find some lineart -- one of the images shows missile in pre-launch and post-launch configurations)
