
Thursday, May 2, 2019

Semroc Sam 3 Build, Part 12, Touch-up and Red Paint

I sprayed some of the Winter Gray into a small mixing cup and touched up the bad mask lift with a clean brush.
Certainly not perfect. I had a feeling this mask was not going to work out.

I did something different on this model.
With the launch lug glued into the fin/tube joint you never know where to put the mask line. This time I masked down the middle of the launch lug to (maybe) camouflage it. This really only works at this angle. Oh well, worth a try.

In this picture, the narrowed scalloped decal wrap is already placed between the upper two sets of fins.

That red band was masked and sprayed. This really sets off the model.

The tunnels should have been masked and left white. I didn't bother with the narrow mask.

1 comment:

  1. I like the color scheme. Image has been saved to use on something of mine some day. :-)
