
Thursday, May 30, 2024

Carded Mini Goblin Build, Part 8, Nose Cone Paint & Streamer

How can you hold onto a nose cone for spray paint?

To start, one wrap of masking tape around the shoulder. Note the tape is set back about 1/32" from the lip of the nose cone. This gives you paint coverage if the nose cone isn't fully seated in the body tube.

Run a line of tape down some copy paper. Roll and stick this paper cone over the tape already in place. This gives you a "handle" for spray painting.

The nose cone was painted gloss black.

Tie the Kevlar line to the nose cone base. Leave a 1/2" long tail on the end and tuck it into the hole in the nose cone base.

TIP: On models this size and the smaller MicroMaxx rockets, use long tweezers to help pack the wadding, Kevlar line and streamer.

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