Tuesday, February 4, 2025

New Painting Wands

I'm overdue for some new painting wands! These are painting handles that slip into an engine mount and lock in the engine mount.

You'll need dowels, 7/16" in diameter to slide into used 18mm engine casing. Cut the dowels to about 15" long.

No reason to knock out the clay nozzle, the dowel end rests against the nozzle.

The dowels will be friction fit inside the engine casing.

Draw a pencil line as a start point and to count the winds of tape. Do six wraps of tape and test the fit in the casing.

After getting a tight fit,

Sand and round off the upper end of the casing to make it easier to slide into the engine mount tube.

Four new 18mm painting wands.

When spray painting, I hold the models horizontally, and turn the models after each spray pass.
Sticking the wand in the ground and spraying the rocket vertically is inviting paint runs.


  1. I love this idea and have been using since the first time I saw in on this blog. Simple but effective!
