Thursday, May 5, 2016

Thrustline Arapahoe C, Part 2, Background and Sizing

Go to the right under EDIT, go down to SCALE.

At the SCALE FROM line,
change the 1.637" (BT-60 dia.) to 1.325" (BT-55 dia.)
Hit the SCALE button.

Here's the model in BT-55 size, Open Rocket does the work for you.
The model looks bigger in the window, I just adjusted the percentage in the View Type lower window.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! Not as if I don't already spend enough time fiddling with OR you showed me that! Thank goodness I can't run OR on my work laptop - nothing my boss pays me for would get done. Seriously, that a great tip - didn't know OR had that feature. If the down-scale Arapahoe makes into the Oddl Rocket catalog I do hope you keep the Kokopelli name.
