Sunday, March 5, 2023

Orlando R.O.C.K. Monthly Launch, March 4, 2023

Winds were predicted to be 18 mph. The Orlando area had 23 mph winds the day before. I chickened out and went for lower power motors. On the other hand, the Girl Scouts launched their TARC models using F engines.

I usually prep a few Micro Maxx rockets to show the first timers how small they are.

On the left is the Rocket Ship Games HAWKEYE. On the right, the ASP JAYHAWK.

Both were fast off the pad reaching close to 75 feet with nose blow recovery. I should have used  streamers. They would have been easier to find in the grass. 

Juliane Conde and Julian Jr. launched their green Estes Doorknob with a E20-4 motor.

It landed in the State Park parking lot without a scratch.

Cory launched his Der Big Red Max a few times. 
The F15 motor gave a slower liftoff. 

Occasionally I get a decent recovery picture.

This is my Centuri NOMAD clone launched with an A8-3 motor. Estimated altitude was 250 ft.
The kite tail streamer kept it on the field.

First launch of the recently completed Centuri QUASAR clone.
The Estes B6-4 got it up to 325'.

The 15" chrome Mylar chute didn't melt using the Semroc baffle.
There was a long walk over the fence and into the adjoining field to recover.

Julian's Dr. Zooch Falcon Heavy was flown with a B6-4.
Julian felt it was underpowered. He followed with a C6-5.

No launch picture of the Centuri/Estes 1/100 scale LITTLE JOE II.
The A10-3t motor maxed out at around 200 feet.
No damage under the 12" Odd'l print chute.

Also flown: My Centuri VECTOR V clone with an A8-3 to 200'. 
Six up, six recovered. A good hot, windy day.


  1. That kite-tail streamer is fantastic! Looks like it would be easy to see in the air and easy to find on the ground.

    1. Hi Neil,
      The kite tail streamers are rip-stop nylon. The package I had contained three 15" lengths. I cut those 3 strips down to 15 streamers, all 3 foot lengths. Do a search on Amazon for "Kite Tails" for similar.

  2. 325 ft is a very impressive flight for the Quasar on a B6-4! Nice!

  3. We did chicken out because of the wind. Julian messaged me that it wasn't too bad. Oh well. There's always April. Dani's friend in the Girl Scouts wants her to come.

    1. Hi Metal,
      I almost didn't go because of the forecast winds. I had more models loaded with B6 and C6 motors but switched things out the night before. I was surprised we didn't lose more in the trees. There were some stuck in higher branches. Kirby got a few down.
