Monday, September 2, 2024

Enerjet by Aerotech, Astrobee D Build, Part 24, Gluing In The Fins

The fins are glued into the body tube slots and fin lock tabs.

Apply medium CA down the foot edges and onto the edge of the tab rood edge that will contact the engine mount tube. Keep the glue towards the middle of the fin lock tabs. This will prevent squeeze out when the fin is snapped into the fin lock tabs.

Here's the fin assembly all locked in place.

The instructions recommend applying glue into the rear root edge joint. But that's quite a reach -

TIP: You can get CA glue into the back of the fin lock by running a drip of CA onto and down a toothpick.

Place the toothpick tip into the root edge. Drip the glue down onto the toothpick and it will run down into the joint.

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