Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Semroc Wac Corporal Build, Part 3, Fin Shaping A

The kit includes a cardstock marking guide to mark the centerline of the fins. It is supposed to be half the thickness of the 3/16" thick balsa.
Set the fin into the cardstock piece and trace around the top edge of the fin. On the right, the pencil line wasn't perfectly centered.

The instructions say you could use a marker to draw this centerline - NEVER use ink when making model rockets! The ink can bleed through the finish paint.

Instead of a hard to see simple centerline, I mark a high contrast edge. 

You can use ink - IF the balsa wood is sealed and be sanded off later.
Sealing the wood stops the ink from soaking in.

I seal the edges with a wipe of super glue. This also strengthens a thin fin edge.
Drip the CA glue onto a Q-tip and wipe the glue onto the side edges - but NOT the root edge. The root edge is left  unsealed as it is glued to the body tube.

After the CA glue seal, 
Mark the sides of the fin with a wide point marker.

Don't apply ink to the root edge.


  1. This sort of fin shaping is one thing I haven't tried yet (beyond simple rounding of fins edges. I think I need to try it one of these days, seems like a good challenge.

    1. Hi Neil,
      It comes in handy when trying to visually keep the centerline straight. It really helps to have a good sanding block, like the old Great Planes Easy Sander or the new Estes Sanding block.
