Tuesday, August 13, 2024

New Estes Saturn V Kit Available

The newest version of the Estes Saturn V kit is now available!
A few months back I built a pre-production, flight version of this kit for Estes. It just showed up in a promotional launch video, keep an eye out here for a link in a day or two.

On Facebook, Andy Northern mentioned that the kit now includes wrap around painting guides!
This is a MAJOR improvement over trying to mark a round tube with a ruler and pencil.

To see the kit instructions, they are posted on the Estes website: CLICK HERE

The kit also uses a Kevlar tie for the shock cord attachment.
The centering rings get a two layer cardstock reinforcement.

Here's the Kevlar loop tied into the adapter.

If you haven't built a Saturn V in a while, 
The kit now has a 29mm screw on retainer for the recommended E16-4 and F15-4 motors.

You are instructed to use a knife tip to drill holes in the command module tube for attachment of the thrusters.
TIP: Use a pin tip to make the holes. A knife blade will make a hole too large for the small pin on the back of the thrusters.


  1. Got mine on order. I’m actually going to build this one. Will you be posting a build for this one?

    1. Hi Dave,
      I won't be posting another Saturn V build, I've done a few in the past. The newest Sat V is much like the previous #1969 kit except for the things shown in the post above. Here's a link to a Saturn V build, scroll down to the start: https://modelrocketbuilding.blogspot.com/search/label/E%20Saturn%20V
