Tuesday, March 23, 2021

A Bunch Of Quest Builds & a TIP

Here's the second group of kits I put together for Quest.

Back row L to R - Harpoon, Two "Show" High Qs, Big Betty
On the floor - Totally Tubular, Superbird, Three "Flight" High Qs.

The "show" rockets are photo quality. These have filled body tube seams, basswood fins and painting to match the face card pictures.
The Quick-Kit "flight" models are a simpler build, no seam fills or re-painting. 

Here's something I learned while setting down a sticker body tube wrap on the High Q rockets.

The first wrap I set down was simply stuck on what I thought was a good visual line. The roll pattern ends didn't match up after going all the way around the tube.
TIP: On the remaining four builds, I used my aluminum angle when starting the sticker edge. The roll pattern print side was lined up with the aluminum angle. I had much better results on the remaining models.
The roll pattern sticker wrap wasn't long enough to match up on the other side. Once again - start your roll patterns in line with the launch lug so any gaps won't be seen when pictures are taken with the rocket  on the launcher.

On the left you can see a partial stripe that was outside the pre-cut sticker side. I cut this out with my knife and straightedge and used it to cover the gap.
Perfect? No. Better? Yes.

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