Sunday, March 7, 2021

A New Antar

On the NAR Facebook page,
Steve Krystal posted this picture from his recent visit to Estes.

On the left is the original G. Harry Stine ANTAR model.
On the right, it looks like one of the four Antar builds I did for Estes.

From what I can gather, FedEx shipping wasn't very kind to the rockets! This one looks like it came through okay.

Yes, there will be a detailed blog when Estes releases the Antar kit.


  1. Hmm, looks like there's another one on the cabinet behind.

  2. Yes, a couple of interesting models there on the right edge also. I am really excited about this model! Go Estes!

  3. Ah, looks like a Falcon Heavy on the right edge.

  4. From the pictures I have seen, the orginal looks like the black areas were probably hand painted. Who needs crisp lines on a flying model rocket anyway. Your build looks great, cannot wait for the build to be posted.

    1. Hi Scigs,
      I noticed the hand drawn lines on the nose cone. On the kit - those little dots on the nose cone are pretty small. When the kit is released and the build posted, I'll make some placement templates available.

  5. I'm surprised Estes did not power ANTAR with a 24mm D motor, since it's BT-60 based. When ANTAR is released, I might up power to 24mm.

    1. Hi Anonymous,
      I think Estes was trying to be consistent with the 18mm engine "hole" in the bottom of the original G. Harry Stine model. There are some cardstock "vanes' around the bottom that would require some trimming if yu went with a 24mm motor. The C5-3 or maybe a Q-Jet D could be the best alternative if staying with the 18mm engine mount.
