The mount is slid into the airframe tube and the fin tabs slipped into the fin slots into the centering ring notches.
Here I've marked the position of the bottom edge of the ring with masking tape.
This allows me to apply the epoxy to the upper side of the ring. After that dries, the tape is pulled and an epoxy fillet is applied to the underside joint. Repeat the epoxy fillets on the other centering rings.
You are given the choice of gluing in the mount then attaching the fins or -
Extend and cut the fin slots down through the bottom of the body tube. The fins are glued onto the mount then the entire assembly is slid into the tube thru the extended fin slots.
I decided to not extend the fin slots. Sometimes this extended cut allows the tube end to flare out.
Before you use epoxy -
Some people are allegic to epoxy. Use a gloved finger to smooth out epoxy fillets.
this puts the low centering ring just under 7/8" from the end of the airframe tube.
To glue the upper ring in place,
Slide the mount down, about 1/4" below the final position.
This lowers the mount and upper ring. Epoxy can be applied from above, then the mount slid up into the epoxy glue ring.
I used a dowel to reach and apply a ring of epoxy glue.
With the upper ring in the lowered position, the dowel was marked to be used as a depth guide.