"Have you seen these old kits?"
No I hadn't seen this one -
CLICK HERE to check it out.
This is a bagged Estes SCORPION, a Design Of The Month winner from July 1969.
I've heard that Estes did short runs of some contest winners. It was mentioned on TRF before. Maybe a market test?
To see the plans, CLICK HERE

Here's what the Scorpion looked like.
Nope, it's not a boost glider. It has standard parachute recovery.
LOTS of wing area. On a windy day it might go horizontal.
It reminds me of the Skydart design.

And the second "kit" -
CLICK HERE to see the eBAY listing.
To see the plans, CLICK HERE
I would guess these were released at the same time, both have the four color toppers and no face cards.
Am I going to bid? No.
Still, a real find for a collector.
UPDATE: From Bill Simon on YORF:
"Yes, Estes Ind. did "kit up" parts for some of the DOM models. It was Vern's idea to do so. I could have sworn that we offered them in the MRN, but after this many years, I'm fuzzy on the marketing details. I do know that we shipped of a bunch of them to the various NARAMs. Since I was back in Penrose minding the store while Vern, Bob Cannon and Norm Avery represented the company at the meets, I can only assume that we used them as free handouts."
Bill Simon