Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Centuri Satellite 62SL Build Part 1 Parts

This is one I drew up on the last cruise.
Not much to it, the chrome print decals are what set it apart:
BT-5, 2 1/2" long
BC-505 Nose Cone from Semroc
     equivalent to the Centuri plastic cone used in the kit
3 or 4 dowel fins, your choice, all 1/16"  x  8"
   The picture shows 1/8" dowels, I used 1/16" carbon fiber dowels
   You can use wood dowels, a 1/16" diameter fits the fin notch best.
NOTE: The antennas in the Centuri instruction drawings look to be longer.
   I found out too late the dowels were 8" long! 
   I went by the parts picture and ruler and cut mine to the 4" length shown at  
Two 1/8" X 3/8" fin Luglets
13mm engine block (not shown in picture)
Thick Mat Board or Triple thickness cereal box cardboard (for antenna mount triangle fins)

The older 13mm Centuri Mini Engines were 2 1/4" long, this model will use the Estes 13mm engines at 1 3/4" long.
The engine block is glued 1 1/2" inside the rear end of the BT-5 tube.
This will allow the engine to extend 1/4" out the back.

You can use the "simulated chrome" body wrap, shown at the upper right of the instruction sheet.
Or, use the black and white wrap below that and print on colored stock.
24 lb. paper is recommended for the the body wraps and overlay pieces.

The lower half of the available PDF is the decal art to be printed on a clear decal sheet.
You can apply chrome Monokote Trim to the body, then apply the black water slide decals over the Monokote.
This gives the printed chrome look of the original kit.

Patreon members can email me at:
Request for the Satellite 62SL PDF


  1. Ahh I caught up with you on the Rocketry Forum. This was the kit I remember getting with soda bottle money in the 70s. I will try and replicate it too.

    1. Hi Kelley,
      Be sure to use 8" LONG antenna legs on the model. As the story goes, Centuri got cheap and supplied 4" long legs in the later versions of the kit. Look at the black and white picture of the model in the instruction sheet and you can see how long they should be.
      My shorter leg model was unstable.
