Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Blog Anniversary

It's the Seventh Anniversary of the Blog!
Here's the first post from July 4, 2010 -


While I've been active posting on The Rocketry Forum and EMRR, I wanted a place to archive my construction methods and builds. 
Everyone has their own "proven" ways of building rockets. This blog is not written to say I have all the right techniques. I just know what works for me and am always open for a better way to get it done.
Who knows? Someone might just pick up a new technique or be inspired to improve on what is written here.

In some posts, you might see a complete build from start to finish, then a follow up with launch results.
Other days, I could post the results of tests using different masking tapes. 
Let me know where to take it!

We get an average of 1,250 hits a day, 1.85 million hits in total from the start.
Thanks to all for your support!


  1. Chris,
    Congratulations on the success of your blog. On behalf of the thousands of rocketeers/modelers who have benefitted from your tips and techniques, thank you for taking the time to share with everyone. Hip hip hooray!

  2. Congratulations Chris! Happy 7th Anniversary. Keep the tips and techniques coming. The site is a fantastic resource. Here's to the next 7!

  3. Congrats...and thanks for sharing your skills!

  4. Sincerest congratulations, Chris. Yours is still the best of the rocket blogs, in my humble opinion, and I am deeply grateful for all the excellent work you are putting into it. Tom

  5. Chris,
    Everything above and more on your 7th Anniversary. This blog Rocks-et every day. Thanks for starting it and doing such a great job with it. Frank

  6. Happy blog anniversary Chris. It has been an honor to have my (and Danielle's) models featured and to have my comment on Plastic Weld cement reposted in the blog. May you have many more years of success, and may there be many more Odd'l kits to add to my fleet.

  7. You have become my "authority" on proper and best practices for building model rockets. I have learned much from reading this blog. If we were to meet in person, you will be addressed with the utmost respect.

  8. Hey, Chris, all of the above and more. I check your latest posts every day and have certainly learned a lot of building techniques from you, Here's to the next 7 !!!
