Friday, September 15, 2023

Estes Black Brant XII, Kit # 9723 Build, Part 1, Parts

Oh boy - The blog is back!
Well, on occasion anyway.

Here's the new Estes Black Brant XII, Kit # 9723.

This is a single stage, TALL rocket at 54.6".
The recommended engines are a E16-6 and F15-6. Soars up to 1050 feet.

This is considered a EXPERT build.
You'll spend a lot of time shaping the two lower sets of laminated balsa fins. It is painted in six different colors.

"Originating in 1957, the Black Brant was created as a result of the research conducted at the Canadian Armament Research and Development Establishment (CARDE). CARDE’s initial purpose was to research and test anti-ballistic missile systems and long-range communication. 

The Black Brant XII is a result of this development. It is a four-stage system that consists of a Talos 1st stage, Taurus 2nd stage, Black Brant 3rd stage, and a Nihka 4th stage. The Black Brant XII’s design allows for it to carry anywhere from 1000-pound payloads to a 500km altitude to 250-pound payloads to an altitude of 1400km. The Estes Black Brant XII model rocket is a 1:14 scale replica." 

Here's what comes in the box - Balsa is in the next post.
There are quite a few new molded parts.
The first part of the blog build will be a flying version. I am building four of these for Estes, two flying versions (less detailed) and two show models.
More in the next post . . .


  1. Looks to be an interesting build.

  2. No fins/fin stock seems to be in the parts picture?

    1. The balsa (a lot of it) is in the next "parts" post.

    2. AH! Yes, sorry. Missed the "balsa is in the next post" notation. So what details are you dropping for the flying versions?

    3. Hi Rob,
      The flying versions don't get as much time spent shaping the fins. The balsa and tubes get a CWF fill but not a filler/primer spray and sand.

  3. Wow those are some crazy molded plastic parts.

  4. Very nice because I'm going to get this kit. It will be my first 3- stage dual deploy recovery. Looking forward to your build.

  5. There has been a lot of speculation about the various body tubes. Since the Talos stage is 2.22”, I had figured the kit was comprised of BT-70/60/55. That would match the Black Brant II. Can you confirm that, or is the tubing non-standard, or maybe heavy wall?

    1. Hi Zoomie,
      Check the Sunday, September 16 post for the body tube sizes.

  6. I'm excited to see how this expert-level rocket model comes together.
