To be sure the two piece fin had it's root edges in alignment -
1. The motor mount assembly was slid into the rear of the body tube with no glue yet.
2. The main fin was slid into it's fin slot, dry, no glue.
3. The "sub fin" tip was glued on the main fin being careful not to get any glue on the root edge or body tube. Keep the small glue dot between the wood edges.
4. Let the glue set up for a moment.

Before that glue dried, the main fin was removed from the body tube slot with the sub fin attached.
Lay down on a flat surface.
All the glued "sub" tips were positioned close together.
Set a flat weight over the glued sub tips so they will be pressed flat and even with the flat sides of the larger main fin.
Some larger paint bottles were set on top of my old sanding block for additional weight.
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