Monday, April 20, 2015

Textbook Rocket Flight Report

Here's a capsulized email from Craig Joiner with the Upcycling Textbooks Rocket Project:

Hello, Chris.

The Earth Day Kick-Off at Space Center Houston was great. People had a lot of questions about Speed Reader, such as: is that really made out of old textbooks? And everyone got a kick out of the detail of the chapter number countdown!
On Saturday, as we got closer to the 3:00 launch, the weather was cooperating. It was a go. We ended up launching 5 rockets on Saturday. 

Speed Reader had a great take off, dramatic, and then some good lift. It shot up a good distance and people watching were really impressed. The chute deployed nicely but the wind started to carry it away from us. I thought we'd lost it but they were able to recover it! 
I'll have more launch specifics from the notes of our experts on engine sizes and flight details. Warren Benson from NASA Houston Rocket Club and Dave Brown from Space Center Houston prepped and launched all the rockets. And I'll share some photos and video of it.

I want to thank you again for building, and in such short time, an amazing textbook rocket.
Space Center Houston has asked to borrow from us so that they can display it in their gallery, and possibly travel it to other NASA galleries around the country. The display will include a credit to you and a bio blurb about you. I'll keep you posted. 

Thank you,

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