Monday, August 22, 2016

Centuri Moonraker #KB-11 Build, Part 1, Parts

At $.85 how could you go wrong? This was one of those models you'd throw to get your order total high enough for free shipping. I would think the price of the packaging was more expensive than the actual parts in the kit. For such a little rocket there are some few, interesting parts.

Taped to the instruction sheet is the engine retaining wire. This isn't an engine hook but is meant to flex out of the way at ejection.
At ejection the engine does eject and the two body section separate. the upper section has one fin and nose cone. The lower section has two fins.

This wire goes around the top longer fin, down both sections and bends under the engine casing. It helps hold the rocket together.

Here's the fibre fins.
The top side (where the die-cut blades strike first) has rounded edges.
The back side edges are squared off. Look at the tip of the longer fin and you can see where the die-cutting has slightly pressed out and creased the leading edge.

Below that is a black dot. I don't know what caused it. It doesn't go into the fin area. A black dot of oil or ink would be hard to cover up with spray paint.

The Centuri plastic nose cones were of great quality, injection molded with no seams.

Below the body tube is a small depression. I'll flip over the tube and glue a fin over it.

The launch lug "luglets" are short, only 1/4" long.
They were set over a Q-tip so I wouldn't lose them.

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