The tunnels are made from small, half-round plastic strips.
After they are cut to length, the ends are rounded. Check the end roundness from both sides against a darker background, here my fingertip.
There are four tunnels, two long, two short.
I kept the tunnels stuck down to a piece of tape so I couldn't lose them.
One end of the plastic launch lug tube was rough cut. Not a big deal, a few light twists with a blade tip cleaned it up. You don't want to have a rocket get snagged on the launch rod.
Just the end edge of the tubes got a swipe of medium CA glue.
No real reason to coat the inside, these tubes are strong.
The dried CA edge got squared up with some 400 grit on a block.
The CA coat and sand simply makes for a better flat fit against the nose cone and upper tube.
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