Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Estes Tazz #7282, Finished

This décor is the new upscale twist on the old Estes Gyroc.
The name "Tazz" is short for the spinning Warner Brothers Tasmanian Devil character.

I haven't put on the rubber bands yet.

Here's that nose decal.
When carefully placed over the nose cone / body tube joint you won't see the seam. Well, except for the back where the decal ends don't meet up.


  1. Nice looking bird. Looking forward to a flight performance report. A Gyroc clone is on my future build list. Just might have to pick up a Tazz kit as well.
    Again, nice work!

    1. Hi Ed,
      I didn't fly this one - it was a build for Estes.
      I have flown the Tazz I put together with the Gyroc decals. It performs much like the old BT-20 based Gyroc. Slow turn during boost. This BT-50 version ejects the engine mount and has a streamer.
      On the Tazz, be sure you have good fillets around the through the wall slots. After 4 launches I'm seeing some stress cracks from the ejection charges.

  2. From Manuel Mejia:

    Nice upsale Gyroc. The Original was one of my all time favorates for upper wind testing for my old Astrocam-110.

    Old house is being condemned for demolition Saturday. There went 40 years of Model Rocketeers, American Spacemodeling, and other mags and books. :-(

    Stripping house of what I can carry one last tine Saturday.
