Monday, December 30, 2024

Estes Black Star Voyager Build, Background

I purchased this kit in 2013. I looked forward to the build until I studied the instructions. 
Estes has recently re-released the Black Star Voyager, now kit # 9725.
Remember the intake assemblies in the QCC Explorer and the engines on the Low Boom SST? 
The multi-piece fins on the Black Star Voyager are also built up out of 1/16" thick balsa. 
I dug out the kit, and dug into the build. It's a Skill Level 5 or "Expert" build.
Get ready, this is going to be a detailed assembly!

This is a tall model, almost 40" in length.
Lots of cardstock vanes, I counted 27 in total. 
On the upper tube there are 9 basswood strips.

The model is powered by D12-3 and E12-4 motors.


  1. Jackson and I drag-raced ours just over a year ago.

  2. I do remember downloading the instructions (as soon as they were available) to look over some of the details. The built-up fins were rather intriguing -- though I can see how easily it go completely wrong if you're not very careful. Definitely need to have a clear idea of how everything comes together before you even start construction.

    1. Hi Naoto,
      I'm working on the lower fins right now. It does require angle sanding of the edges for a tight fit of the parts. Don't tackle this one unless you have a Great Planes Easy Sander or the Estes Ultimate Sanding Bar.
      Lots of dry fits before gluing.

    2. Thanks for the reminder -- had forgot that Estes had a sanding bar. I've got the 11" Great Planes sanding bar -- which is a tad too long for model rocket use and smaller balsawood model aeroplanes (ended up with the longer one since I placed an order with local hobby shop that mostly deals with R/C stuff).

    3. Looks like the Great Planes sanding bars are under the Du-Bro name nowadays.

    4. Hi Naoto,
      I have two 6" long Great Planes sanding bars. That length works well for most builds. One has 220 grit, the other 400 grit.

    5. Hi Naoto,
      I can't take credit for Estes producing a sanding bar, but I did suggest it to Bill Stine after Great Planes went out of business. Du-Bro does make a comparable sanding bar.
