I wanted the model to match the old catalog pictures.
The Semroc face card shows all three fins in white. One fin should be black.
For the red and black "1" decal to show up on the black, I'll add a white edge to the decal in the next post.
This is not not easy to do, plan your finish after reading the next post.
I used marked Scotch tape for the mask. It takes a lot of straight pieces to round the airfoiled leading edge shape.
The rest of the model is covered with cheap masking tape and grocery bags.
TIP: Another use for the Q-tips-
They make a good cushioned burnisher for the taped mask lines.
No scratching, just a well set tape edge.
With regards to painting the rocket to look like the catalog image, for some models that might depend on the catalog year. It's interesting to view the old catalogs on the Ninefinger site ( https://www.ninfinger.org/ ) to see the changes to the paint scheme of the models over the years. For the case of the Astron Constellation it looks like the scheme stayed the same from 1970 (2nd year it appeared) to 1978 (last year it was listed).
ReplyDeleteI do remember painting my Astron Alpha (my first model rocket) based on the appearance in the catalog (1975 if I'm not mistaken, as it's the one that has the Command 'Copter on the back cover). I had brush-painted the rocket (hadn't started using spray paint yet).