The toughest part of papering fins is getting is getting a smooth roll over the leading edge.
When spreading glue on the second side of the balsa, be sure to get a smooth glue covering over the leading edge. Not too much, just enough for the paper to adhere over the rounded edge.
You do have to lightly pull on the paper as it goes over the leading edge, before smoothing it down on the uncovered side. You have to apply it fairly quick, you're working against the clock. The film of white glue is thin and dries quicker than a fillet would.
This picture shows a fin covered and ready to go under some heavy books for overnight drying.
TIP: Here's a weird tip for you - If you ever want to check if a surface is dry, set the drying piece on your lips. The skin on your lips is thin and very sensitive. If it feels cool, it's still drying.
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