cone available.
One will be made from an exisiting nose cone.

The downsized nose cone will end up being just under 1 1/2" tall (from the shoulder to the tip) or 1.46" tall.
Measure down 5/16" from the top of the Semroc BNC-522P, Sand to the shape shown at the right, removing the gray shaded area.Cut off the tip at the 5/16" line. You might cut it a little lowerr than 5/16" to allow for sanding the cut side smooth.
Cut the base at 1 5/32" up from the shoulder. Again, you can cut it a little longer for sanding.
The middle gray section will be thrown away.
The tip is centered and glued to the cut off top.
Try to get close to the 1 1/2" exposed length. Nobody is going to measure it and tell you it's incorrect.
If someone does, you're probably hanging out with the wrong rocketry crowd.
Actually, Semroc does have a BT-5 ramjet cone, though it has a different profile than yours:
Hi Chris,
ReplyDeleteI did see that shorter ram-jet nose cone, but the original Wolverine design called for something quite a bit longer for the downscale.