I haven't had a Schoolyard Soccer field launch since last June. The weather is finally cooling down to make chasing rockets comfortable.
While many think more power is better, small fields and small diameter rockets are great with A8-3 engines. Unless it is an altitude record attempt, I prefer to watch the entire flight.
My first launch was actually the rocket on the right, a Fliskits
INTERLOPER with a MMX engine. I made a few changes to the design. Estimated altitude was 75 feet.
Next up was the
NIKE X GOON with an A8-3. Textbook launch with a 225' altitude.
Here's a recent build, the Quest
STRIKER AGM using an Estes B6-4 motor. This one sports the Enertek Astra 2000 colors and decor.
Arrow straight boost to about 300'. It took a moment for the crispy Quest parachute to unfurl. Recovery was clean and close, I caught it before it could hit the ground or break off a fin root. With fins glued to the plastic tail cone my previous Striker AGM had many cracks.

I haven't launched a Estes
GYROC in quite a while. It's the perfect model for a small field offering little drift. Check out how long the flame is.
An Estes A8-3 boosted it to 300'. At ejection the fin vanes flipped and it went into a fast spin. No damage.

This Gyroc was built with elastic you can release between launches. With the tension off the elastic it will last much longer. A simple notch in the small fins allows you to slip the knotted end out.
The Estes
GALACTIC TAXI clone was last in the air.
I really like the old Quest Chinese A6-4 engines. They are so much noisier than the Estes A8-3.
On the right the Odd'l ceramic Blast Deflector is glowing red under the engine flame. There is no damage to the kiln fired deflector, just some black ash.
I don't know why, but this rocket turned to the North after it left the launcher. This cut into the altitude at probably 250'. It landed closer to the fence than the picture shows.
Five up, five recovered with no damage. Just a little dirt and soot to clean off. A good, early start today.