Rocketry is now a full time job!
Here's all my Rocketry activity from May 11, 2022.
Humidity is lowest at about 1:30 p.m.
I learned early on - make extras. If you have an order for eight kits, make enough pieces for 20 kits. You won't have to deal with as much prep when that next order comes in.
After answering rocketry emails and Facebook, I start on kit production and model building about 1:00 p.m.
The landing legs for the Mars Snooper II got a shot of gloss white.
Couplers are cut by hand. A taper is sanded into the ends for an easier slip into the tube sections.
Today, over 100 couplers were cut and sanded.
Reinforcement pieces are marked and cut from coupler segments.
Reinforcement pieces are marked and cut from coupler segments.
I probably cut 150 pieces. Five are needed for each kit.
The couplers get a single punch for the Kevlar line ties.
I bagged about 20 Break-Away kit engine mounts.
I use my Odd'l Rockets heavy walled BT-20 tubes in my engine mounts. Every 20/50 ring needs an interior peel to fit the slightly wider diameter tube.
More of one typical day tomorrow . . .
The Break Away is probably my favorite Odd'l kit. It never fails to draw comments on deployment.