I had done two light coats of the Rustoleum 2X gloss white.
I was following up with my standard heavier final gloss coat.
The model was set up for drying.
When I returned to check the finish, the paint was wrinkled!
I haven't had this problem in a while, maybe the cold paint cans (they were stored in the garage) contributed to the wrinkles.

This is the upper body tube area where is wrinkled up.
It was wet sanded using 400 grit.
You've got to be careful not to wet sand through the paint and into the brown body tube.
After sanding, you can see the mottled finish and the gray primer showing through.
This was sprayed with more gray primer and sanded smooth.
This is the sanded primer before trying the white paint again.
The thick gray primer has filled the pits and sand throughs.
I've had this problem happen to be occasionally. I have no idea what causes it... Proper drying & degassing time for the base layers. Proper recoating times, etc etc. But it can still happen.
ReplyDeleteThe Rustoleum 2X paint is worthless. It has to completely dry - directions say 48 hours, before you can re-coat. I had the same horrible mess. The wet second coat reacts with the uncured first coat and you have a complete mess. Steer clear of this paint.
ReplyDeleteI hate to disagree with you on the Rusto 2X. I've occasionally had problems with it, but it's still a better paint than anything else I've tried! The cheaper WalMart paints take too many coats, Valdspar was a real mess. The new formula Krylon has never given good results.
ReplyDeleteThat first coat of Rusto 2X does take a while to dry. after that, the follow coats dry much quicker.
Everybody has their favorite brand and after some trial and error it works for them.