By 1:00 p.m. things were winding down. I was really feeling the heat. I helped break down a bit but felt winded and had to get into air conditioning fast! I didn't go with the gang to Del Taco for lunch, but headed home for a shower and sleep.
My first flight of the day was the Estes QUINSTAR with a D12-0 clearance engine from Hobby Lobby. Much better altitude than the 18mm C6 engine, maybe 150 feet.
I hadn't seen Bill Gibson for about three years, since I used to visit the Tampa TTRA launches. Bill was the guy that gave me the great tip - Write the engine designation on that paper strip on the igniter.
Bill says he is back and building more rockets than ever - Here he is setting up a Cherokee D with a C11 motor.
Gary Dahlke brought a new contribution to the R.O.C.K. site - A pop-up Porta-Potty. Before today you'd take a stroll behind the shrubs for "relief".
In this pop-up was a five gallon can, with a toilet seat on top!
I told Gary to get rid of the wet-wipes. "Real Rocketeers only use Estes recovery wadding."
Lonnie B. brought his new "alternative history" Saturn V with the Orion capsule. A perfect launch using the E12-4 engine.
On the right, Lonnie is in a jubilant recovery mode in the adjacent field.
There was quite a few Saturn Vs in the air - Roger Smith, David Hoffman and Jim Lytle participated in July anniversary launches.
Here's my first launch of the Custom SLV with an Estes B6-4. Good altitude at 375', no damage on recovery.
I also launched my old Dr. Zooch SATURN V with a B6-4.
My Quest STRIKER AGM also flew with an Estes B6-4. The parachute didn't eject, but it fell horizontally with no damage.
The Estes GAUCHITO rounded out my day with an A3-4t.
Closing shot -
Kirby retrieving a rocket from 20 feet up!
Five up, five recovered with no damage aside from a dent or two.
I'll be in recovery mode tomorrow -
Thanks for the pic. I hope you're feeling better today.