Test fit the coupler in the body tubes. Don't glue in place yet. Sand the edges if needed for a smooth fit. The side of the coupler with the hole is the upper side.
The coupler is marked with pencil at the halfway point.
Always square up the body tube ends before doing any gluing. Sand the ends using a block.
On the right I am rolling down any "burr" with the back end of a Sharpie barrel.
Glue the lower half of the coupler into the lower body tube.
Tie the Kevlar line in the coupler hole with a secure knot.
Drop the Kevlar line through the second, upper ST-7 tube.
Apply some glue on the inside of the upper tube. Slide the coupler into the upper tube until both tube ends are butted end to end.
Roll the two tubes on a flat surface to be sure both are straight and in line with each other.
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