Sunday, April 7, 2024

Launch! Orlando R.O.C.K., April 6,2024

Lots of cars today! The girl scouts launched their TARC models.

The MINI BERTHA being built on the blog is actually finished and had it's first launch today.
After all these years I shouldn't be surprised by how well mini engine models perform. Very stable, the 1/2A3-2t motor. I would guess the altitude capped out at 275'. 
The two second delay seemed short. 

The upper winds were picking up - 
I had the Custom SOLAR EXPLORER prepped with a C6-5. I wasn't worried about losing this one - the BT-50 tube was crimped above the engine mount from an earlier hard landing.

After reaching an altitude around 600', the winds blew it into the trees just South of the flight line. Lost! I really need to thin the heard anyway.

This gives an idea of the variety of models flown. The R.O.C.K. club has 12 low power launchers and one mid power pad.

Blow up the picture and you can just make out the clear plastic fin extensions I added to the Micro Maxx Quest SATURN V.
The larger fins really didn't help much, it was unstable after it cleared the short launch rod.

Once in a while I get a decent launch shot - 
This is Gary Dahlke's Extreme 12.

My best flight of the day - 
I didn't get a launch shot of my Centuri ARGUS clone. Today flown with a C6-5 to 500'. 
I only used one parachute, the original kit had two, one for the low end, another for the long upper section. 
The parachute was taped closed in a "hillbilly hat" for faster descent.

Here's a weird one.
It started as a regular bagged Custom kit that sat in the direct sun a little too long. The nose cone was melted and bent. I bought the kit.

The body tube was cut into angled wedges and glued together like the Fliskits ACME Spitfire. I renamed it WARPED.
A B6-4 pushed it to at least 600'. I thought it would drift into the trees. I landed in the adjacent field. Recovered and retired.

I actually captured a MicroMaxx launch!
Estimated altitude was 75', no damage after the streamer recovery.

With all the people at the launch I really didn't think I'd get many in the air. Six launched, five recovered, one lost.
Although it wasn't very hot, the temps have picked up over the past few weeks. I probably won't be doing another club launch until next October. A full day in the sun really tires me out!


  1. Looks like your group had a wonderful day, Thanks for posting.

  2. Great flight report! I'm all set to get out for my first launch of the year tomorrow....if the weather forecast holds.

  3. Warped is awesome! Great flight report.
