Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Angry Older Man Rant

One of my big gripes are lazy, inconsiderate people skipping parking spaces and parking right in front of the store. They'll turn on the emergency flashers assuming that makes it okay.
While blocking traffic they'll use the ATM or make a trip to the liquor store. There are always parking spaces just a few feet away.

I've mentioned it to the store manager a few times. "A car parked in front of the store blocks traffic and would put everybody in the store in danger if there was a fire." (I know, a little dramatic, but a good argument.) I e-mailed the Publix corporate offices.
Last week, Publix finally put up signs and painted yellow fire lanes. I'd like to think I had something to do with the change.

Here's the front entrance of that Publix grocery store near my home.
Imagine a car parked on the left (store) side.
There's only two lanes. If a car was stopped, all cars behind him have to go around and right into the oncoming traffic.
It seems to have solved the problem on the store side, to the left.

When I was taking pictures I saw this - 
Some idiot parked on the right side, beside the planter! You can see the truck that had to go around him.
It's okay though, he had his emergency flashers on. Lazy ass.

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