Thursday, September 3, 2015

Old Painting Wand

Here's the back end of an old 18mm painting wand.
The coats of spray paint are actually pretty thick.

I cut through the paint with a knife. If you count the rings (some of the thicker white rings are probably two or three coats) about 25 models have been sprayed using the wand.

It reminds me of those decorative candles where you dip the wick numerous times in colored wax then cut through the layers.


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Lonnie,
      My intention is to always be "groovy". I was born and raised in California in the 1960s. We never used that word, always thought it was corny.

  2. Note how few colors are really used... On the stick I see White, Grey, Yellow Orange, Red and Black.

    1. Hi Scott,
      Yep, I tend to use a lot of white, orange, yellow, red and black. The grey is the primer/filler. I like high contrast paint schemes.
