Thursday, February 6, 2020

Quest Future Launch Vehicle #3013 Build, Part 11, Large Wraps

I went through a few pieces of scrap cardboard spraying all the seaprate wraps.

Here's one of the large main body wraps stuck down for spraying with some 3M 77 adhesive spray.
To the right is one of the tape rolls with the sticky side out.

Here's the lower wrap.
The edge is placed down the pencil line drawn down the body tube.

This is the low end of the same wrap, even with the end of the body tube.

Notice I haven't totally pressed it down until I am happy with the placement on the pencil line. The wraps are thin and would probably tear if lifted after sticking it down.

Gently smooth the wrap as you go to keep the air out.

I used the side of my finger to smooth it out and work out any air bubbles.
GOTCHA: The upper wrap was rolled on, butted up against the lower wrap. It wasn't quite tall enough and didn't reach the top of the tube! It's an easy fix, the 1/8" of white tube was trimmed off and sanded square.

It's optional to paint the larger top nose cone. I painted it gloss black before putting on the wrap. The bottom of the wrap is actually right on the shoulder edge. That black at the bottom is a Sharpie line inside the shoulder edge to camouflage the body tube/nose cone break.
EDIT: This probably wasn't the best idea - the black line shows at the tube/nose cone joint.

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