Monday, February 22, 2021

Launch! L.A.S.E.R., Groveland, FL, February 21, 2021

Wind gusts to 18 mph were in the forecast today.
I prepped my flights with that in mind.

Here's a typical rack ready for launching.

I had launched my downscaled Centuri ALIEN ENCOUNTER SAUCER with C6-3 and C6-0 engines before. I used a C5-3 for the first time today.

While the C5 motors have a higher initial impulse, I didn't notice that much difference from a C6. I would estimate the altitude at 125' with no damage after touching down on the wire legs.

Jim Lytle flew his Launch Pad Sidewinder with a D12-3 motor. There was a little wiggle during boost, typical of the forward fin designs.

Lonnie Buchanon finally painted his profile Vostok. It had earned it's finish after some very stable test launches. 

With the wind it drifted. He couldn't find it on the first recovery search. On the second trip Lonnie finally found it floating in the nearby lake!
They float for quite a while when the tubes and fins are sealed.   

Even with a spill hole cut in the chutes, I had a few long recovery walks. 
My CHEROKEE GOON almost made it to the waters edge.
With the Estes B6-4 it peaked at 325'.

Another Goony - 
this time the NIKE GOON boosted by a Q-Jet B4-4. Estimated altitude was 325'. Recovery this time was much closer.

The wind gusts were hitting more often as the morning progressed. 
I tapered back with an Estes A8-3 in my Centuri VECTOR V clone. 

Textbook launch and recovery. Altitude was probably around 250'. 

Liam bought a few finished models from Jim Lytle.
Here's his Cosmic Interceptor launch with a D12-3 engine.

Mike Hughes Drifter touched down on the hood of my car! No damage to the car, one fin did pop off the rocket. In the picture that fin is still sitting on the hood. 

Two more of my "also flowns".
The final launch of my MMX PIGLET-SUS. It is pretty well worn out, I might make another.

The second launch of my Estes TWIN FACTOR. My first flight was great! This time - not so much. At second stage ignition it turned 45 degrees to the west. I would estimate the altitude at only 75'. 

Six launches - it's great to get out of the house and hang out with fellow rocket nerds.


  1. I was getting some non-glider stuff ready for this launch but couldn't quite finish those.

    With the wind forecasted to be like 15mph *and* coming from the East, there was NO way to fly anything 'reasonable' on THAT field!

    Hope for better next month.....

  2. Looks like a fun outing for a rocket flying 'fix'!!
